Accepted Abstracts
This is list of all accepted abstracts for the ELS 2023.
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4. Indirect laryngoscopic surgery for small benign vocal fold lesions: the technique, voice outcomes and cost-effectiveness
Presenting author: Ognjen Čukić
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
5. Bilateral medialization thyroplasty in patients with vocal fold atrophy with or without sulcus; long-term outcomes
Presenting author: Emke Van den Broek
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
6. The Role of HPV Status in Patients with Overlapping Grey Zone Cancer in Oral Cavity and Oropharynx
Presenting author: Yao Song
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
7. Brain adaptation following various unilateral vocal fold paralysis treatments: a magnetic resonancxe imaging based longitudinal case series
Presenting author: Gauthier Desuter
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
8. Case Report: Endoscopic LASER surgical excision of a laryngeal pleomorphic adenoma in the right ventricle
Presenting author: Hugo Pereira
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
9. Correlation of Narrow Band Imaging with Histopathology in Single Stage Transoral Laser Surgery for Early Glottic Cancer.
Presenting author: Rakesh Srivastava
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Narrow Band Imaging; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:00
10. Convolutional Neural Network in diagnosing Benign and Malignant laryngeal lesions utilising white light and Narrow Band Imaging.
Presenting author: Rakesh Srivastava
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
11. Histopathologic features of laryngeal lesions with vascular pattern Type IV according to the Ni classification
Presenting author: Lucia Staníková
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Narrow Band Imaging; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:00
12. Injection laryngoplasty as an effective treatment method for glottal insufficiency in aged patients
Presenting author: Beata Miaśkiewicz
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
13. Thunderbeat®: a new step forward in transoral surgery
Presenting author: Carmelo Saraniti
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
14. Speech Outcomes following Operative Management of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD) in Non-Syndromic Post-Palatoplasty Cleft Palate Patients
Presenting author: Rotem Kimia
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
15. 'Tracheal engineering to the reconstruction of the larynx'
Presenting author: Christelle BERTSCH
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 11:30 - 12:00
Presenting author: Francesco Chu
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
17. Clinical predictors of response to induction chemotherapy within organ preservation strategies for laryngo-hypopharyngeal cancers
Presenting author: aurora pinacoli
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
18. Oncological, and functional outcomes of transoral robotic supraglottic laryngectomy
Presenting author: Stephane Hans
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
19. Monkeypox virus infection: a peculiar pharyngeal and laryngeal manifestation
Presenting author: Emilio Salerno
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
20. South of the UES: Improving the Ability of Speech Pathologists to Detect Oesophageal Abnormalities during Videofluoroscopy Swallowing Studies.
Presenting author: Claire Stanley
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
21. Idiopathic subglottic stenosis, a rare diagnosis- Case report
Presenting author: Mariana Neto
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
Presenting author: Gabriele Molteni
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
23. Vocal fold immobility caused by long-term intubation in the neonatal stage or childhood is not attributable to vocal fold paralysis
Presenting author: Ryoji Tokashiki
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
24. THIRVE in Foreign Body Bronchus Removal-A Novel Approach
Presenting author: Rakesh Srivastava
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
25. Use of microelectrodes for transoral horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy and arytenoid edema caused by postoperative radiotherapy
Presenting author: Enrique Zapater
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
26. Voice outcome after Cricoid-Thyroid-Approximation in Transwomen with a Type A Cricothyroid Joint: a long term follow up Study
Presenting author: Anna Schaufelbuehl
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice; 22.06; 14:30 - 15:00
27. Combination of Glottoplasty and Cricoid-Thyroid-Approximation in Transwomen: A Pilot Study
Presenting author: Claudio Storck
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice; 22.06; 14:30 - 15:00
28. Predictive factors for pharyngocutanous fistulization after total laryngectomy: Our experience
Presenting author: Dusan Milisavljevic
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
Presenting author: Omer Kavak
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
30. Silent dysphagia in idiopathic bronchiectasis patients
Presenting author: Eiman Abu Bandora
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
31. Halting Rare Chronic Inflammatory Laryngeal Diseases : Multiple Routes In Performing Serial Intralesional Steroid Injections (SILSI)
Presenting author: Masaany Mansor
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
32. Paradigm shift in the management of vocal pathology from OR to Office -Kyorin University Experience in Tokyo-
Presenting author: Koichiro Saito
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
33. Autologous fat and Cord Blood Platelet rich plasma may promote healing of pharyngocutaneous and tracheocutaneous fistulas
Presenting author: Ludovica Battilocchi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
Presenting author: Lorena Sanz
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
35. The psychological background of spasmodic dysphonia: Magnetic resonance imaging revealsfunctional connectivity between the limbic system and the basal ganglia
Presenting author: Leo Nishikawa
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
36. Oncological outcomes of laryngeal cancer in women: a systematic review and a meta-analysis
Presenting author: Giuditta Mannelli
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
37. Prognostic significance of laryngeal compartmentalization in multidisciplinary management of glottic cT3 squamous cell carcinoma: an Italian multicentric study
Presenting author: Nausica Montalto
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
38. Endoscopic management of adult subglottic stenosis : an alternative to open surgery
Presenting author: Ihab Atallah
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
39. Augmentation-lateralization for unilateral vocal fold palsy with airway obstruction : a new concept in laryngology
Presenting author: Ihab Atallah
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
40. The role of surveillance imaging in laryngeal cancer patients
Presenting author: Eyal Yosefof
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence + Oncologic misc.; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
41. Laryngeal amyloidosis : un update
Presenting author: Romain PEROUSE
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery and Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
42. Intralesional immunological tolerance and immune checkpoint expression in HPV mediated recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Presenting author: Hans Eckel
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
43. pT4a laryngeal cancer patients undergoing partial laryngectomies: results and limits in selected cases
Presenting author: ERIKA CROSETTI
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 10:00 - 10:30
44. Fistula Zero” Project After Total Laryngectomy: the Turin experience
Presenting author: ERIKA CROSETTI
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
45. Augmentation of the posterior pharyngeal wall with autologous tragal cartilage for management of velopharyngeal valve insufficiency in adults
Presenting author: Ahmed Abdelgoad
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
46. Differing techniques for anesthesia for operative laryngoscopy: a randomized controlled trial
Presenting author: Milan Amin
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 9:30 - 10:00
47. Prospective, Multi-Center Study of the Anatomic Distribution of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Presenting author: Milan Amin
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
48. Uncommon presentation of isolated laryngeal sarcoidosis in a young man.
Presenting author: Bayan Besharah
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
49. Systemic effects and absorption of sub-epithelial dexamethasone vocal fold injections for benign vocal fold epithelial lesions.
Presenting author: Mostafa Alwan
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery and Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
50. Analysis of the effectiveness of surgical lowering of the voice: a series of observations.
Presenting author: Tatiana Shirokikh
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
51. Surgical treatment of benign neoplasms of the larynx.
Presenting author: Lily Budeikina
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
52. Effect of ferroptosis on xerostomia in ovariectomized rats
Presenting author: Yong-Il Cheon
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
53. Incidence of high-grade dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma in patients with laryngeal papillomas
Presenting author: Daša Gluvajić
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
Presenting author: Francesca Gennarini
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
55. The role of adjuvant therapy in pT4N0 laryngectomized patients: A multicentric observational study
Presenting author: Alfredo Lo Manto
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence + Oncologic misc.; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
56. Long-term functional outcomes after OPHL type II or III: systematic review
Presenting author: Sara Donvito
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 10:00 - 10:30
57. management of laryngeal chondroradionecrosis: a single center experience
Presenting author: Einav Levin
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
58. iatrogenic perforations of the cervical esophagus and hypopharynx: a single center experience
Presenting author: Einav Levin
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
59. Vocal cord dysfunction in persistent COVID syndrome
Presenting author: Fiorella Lipari
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
60. Spasmodic dysphonia diagnosis made easy
Presenting author: Ariel Roitman
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
61. A reliable and novel method to diagnose sulcus vocalis
Presenting author: Ariel Roitman
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
62. Vocal fold leukoplakia presenting as biofilm or dysplasia: One laser for both indications?
Presenting author: Markus Hess
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
63. Mitomycin C: A pledge for its revival in the treatment of vocal fold synechia.
Presenting author: Markus Hess
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
64. Treatment of Reinke’s edema - is blue light laser the future?
Presenting author: Markus Hess
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
65. Comparison of angiolytic effects between the 532-nm pulsed potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) and blue laser on chick chorioallantoic membrane
Presenting author: Duy-Duong Nguyen
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 15:00 - 15:30
66. Expression of muscle genes in vocal fold lamina propria of aging rat.
Presenting author: Byungjoo Lee
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
67. Development of glottic cancer diagnosis algorithm using convolutional neural network
Presenting author: Eui-Suk Sung
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
68. ebv associated smooth muscle tumor presenting as stridor in a child: a case report
Presenting author: Helin Nie Darat
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
69. Mending the broken trail: Managing Pharyngocutaneous Fistula in post Total Laryngectomy
Presenting author: Noor Shairah Mat Barhan
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
70. Oncological and Functional outcome for horizontal glottectomy: a systematic review
Presenting author: Andrea Tozzi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 10:00 - 10:30
71. Long Term Effect of Echinochrome A on the Extracellular Matrix of Vocal Folds Lamina Propria in Ovariectomized Rats
Presenting author: Youngjin Cho
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
72. Posterior cordotomy and partial arytenoidectomy with CO2 laser in the treatment of bilateral vocal cord immobility: a single institution experience
Presenting author: Virginia Fancello
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
73. Comparison of voice outcomes between minimally invasive open hemithyroidectomy and conventional hemithyroidectomy
Presenting author: Myeonggu Seo
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
74. Microlaryngeal surgery: assessing simulation-based training
Presenting author: Giulia Gabella
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
75. Trachealator balloon: a novel technology for the dilatation of subglottic stenosis under general and local anaesthesia.
Presenting author: Rebecca Towning
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 15:00 - 15:30
76. Post-intubation laryngotracheal stenosis management to improve quality of life in terms of voice quality, dyspnea and swallowing
Presenting author: Marta De Vecchi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
77. Changes of nasalance in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis
Presenting author: YI-AN PAN
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
78. dysphagia after total laringectomy: a multivariate analysis of the risk factors
Presenting author: Leonardo Roncadi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
79. Paraglottic partial laryngectomy for early stage ventricular cancer
Presenting author: Francesco Bandi
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:30 - 19:00
80. Prognosis and treatment of III-stage glottic and supraglottic laryngeal squamous cells carcinoma: a heterogeneous group within the TNM classification
Presenting author: Pietro Benzi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
81. New approaches in endoscopically assisted laryngeal surgery - A multimedia contribution.
Presenting author: Anne Nobis
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
82. Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis: can the patient predict the Derkay score?
Presenting author: Constantia Trimbos
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
83. Voice Quality Outcomes After Transoral CO2 Laser Cordectomy
Presenting author: Marta Circiu
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
84. Development of an artificial larynx: results and controversies
Presenting author: Philippe SCHULTZ
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 11:30 - 12:00
85. Pignat’s anterior vertical partial laryngectomy: oncologic and functional outcomes
Presenting author: Giancarlo Pecorari
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 10:00 - 10:30
86. Preoperative predictors of difficult laryngeal exposure in microlaryngeal surgery
Presenting author: Mónica Teixeira
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
87. Surgical treatment for dysphonia and dysphagia in high vagal nerve paralysis
Presenting author: Teresa Rivera Schmitz
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
88. Voice Outcomes of VOIS-implant in Patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
Presenting author: Li-Chun Hsieh
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
89. Thyroplasty type-III in mutational falsetto: 33 cases
Presenting author: Guilherme Catani
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
90. Acoustic Analysis of Pathological Voice Quality in the Korean speakers: Focus on Cepstral Analysis using Praat
Presenting author: Geun-Hyo Kim
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
91. Voice and QoL outcomes of modified Wendler’s glottoplasty: experience in 140 transgender women
Presenting author: Chadwan Al Yaghchi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice; 22.06; 14:30 - 15:00
92. Validation and Correlation of the SGS-6 Patient Reported Outcome Measure for Sub Glottic Stenosis in an Australian Context.
Presenting author: Kate Lethbridge
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
93. The current role of salvage laryngectomy: summary of key findings throughout the literature and our experience
Presenting author: Giorgia Rossi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
94. Functional outcomes after Transoral Laser Microsurgery for early to intermediate laryngeal SCC. Tips and tricks.
Presenting author: Mohssen Ansarin
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
95. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) - A comparison between diagnostic instruments (RSI, RSS, RSA and WARSAW scale)
Presenting author: Sofia Teles
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
96. The diagnostic reliability of in-office transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy in comparison to direct panendoscopy under general anaesthetic in suspected pharyngolaryngeal malignancy.
Presenting author: Nicola Gallagher
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
97. Voice outcome and quality of life in patients treated for early glottic cancer
Presenting author: Paolo Tesauro
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
98. The use of 3D printed models in otolaryngology anatomy teaching for undergraduate medical students
Presenting author: Rajeshwari Pittala
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
99. Open Partial Horizontal Laryngectomy versus Total Laryngectomy with voice prosthesis: voice outcome and quality of life
Presenting author: Cecilia Botti
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 10:00 - 10:30
100. Randomized study to investigate the effect of two different vocal fold augmentation materials on voice quality – a study protocol.
Presenting author: Antonia Nolte
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 22.06; 18:00 - 18:30
101. The ELS Classification of NBI defined Vascular Patterns of Vocal Cords
Presenting author: Robert Šifrer
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Narrow Band Imaging; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:00
102. Automated digital assessment with VoiceScreen application of voice outcomes across phonosurgical treatment
Presenting author: Virgilijus Ulozas
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
103. How can we identify subglottic stenosis in patients with suspected obstructive disease?
Presenting author: Eleftherios Ntouniadakis
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
104. Is balloon dilatation superior to CO2 laser when treating subglottic stenosis?
Presenting author: Eleftherios Ntouniadakis
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
105. Finite element analysis of sound pressure distribution in the ear after radical mastoidectomy with meatoplasty
Presenting author: Chin-Kuo Chen
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
106. Fascia lata and antero-lateral thigh chimeric free flap reconstruction after total laryngectomy with circumferential pharyngectomy: a novel surgical opportunity
Presenting author: Gabriele Zigliani
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
107. Vocal tremor: current concepts and treatments
Presenting author: Aude Lagier
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 11:00 - 11:30
108. Siblings with Acquired Tracheocele: Possible Hereditary Etiopathogenesis?
Presenting author: Hui Davide Qiu
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
109. Dysphagia in Class C Tympanojugular Paragangliomas: experience of a quaternary referral center.
Presenting author: Virginia Fancello
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
110. Evolution of vascular changes of vocal cords after primary radiotherapy of T1 vocal cord cancer – pilot study
Presenting author: Peter Kántor
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Narrow Band Imaging; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:00
111. Laryngo-pharyngectomy and salvage laryngectomy: how the reconstruction trend has changed over time.
Presenting author: Virginia Dallari
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
112. Comparative study: Adapting the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist for use in a laryngology in-office procedure clinic
Presenting author: Krizzia Lammas
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
113. The role of Oropharyngeal pH-metry in monitoring Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
Presenting author: Norazila Abdul Rahim
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 10:00 - 10:30
114. Scarless Neck Feminization by Transoral Endoscopic Vestibular Approach Chondrolaryngoplasty: a Prospective Cohort
Presenting author: Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice; 22.06; 14:30 - 15:00
115. Too Deep: the Risk for Inappropriate Deep Resections while Practicing a Single Stage Laser Cordectomy
Presenting author: Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
116. Paraglottic space invasion in glottic laryngeal cancer:A clinical-pathological study
Presenting author: Federico Spagnolo
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 11:00 - 11:30
117. ZOOM IN: External Factors Affecting Vocal Habits during Online Video Meetings, a Prospective Trial on 40 Subjects
Presenting author: Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
118. A novel trans-tracheostomal retrograde inhalation technique increases subglottic drug deposition compared to traditional trans-oral inhalation
Presenting author: yonatan lahav
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
119. Vocal outcomes more than one year after Wendler’s glottoplasty in TransWoman patients.
Presenting author: Loïs Delvaux
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice and Singers; 22.06; 17:00 - 17:30
120. Endoscopic Subtotal Submucosal Arytenoidectomy with Lateralization Sutures (SMALS) Covered by a Medially Based Mucosal Flap for Glottic Stenosis
Presenting author: Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
121. Effect of bilateral & unilateral ventral intermediate nucleus deep brain stimulation on voice and vocal tremor in essential tremor
Presenting author: Kathryn Ruckart
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 11:30 - 12:00
122. Predicting malignancy in vocal fold leukoplakia using an endoscopic image-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Presenting author: Nikolaos Davaris
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 21.06; 18:00 - 19:00
123. Stenting versus balloon dilatation in patients with tracheal benign stenosis – the STROBE trial
Presenting author: Margherita Basso
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
125. Surgical rehabilitation of swallowing with polydimethylsiloxane injections after open partial horizontal laryngectomy: long-term functional results and quality of life
Presenting author: Costanza Galloni
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
126. Paediatric Voice Disorders: Clinical data from a tertiary joint voice clinic
Presenting author: Usama Ahmed
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 10:00 - 10:30
127. Long-term functional outcomes of open partial laryngectomy
Presenting author: Carla Cantaffa
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 11:00 - 11:30
128. Evidence-based medicine in the care of the singing voice: a scoping review.
Presenting author: Eleftheria Iliadou
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice and Singers; 22.06; 17:00 - 17:30
129. Volume of cartilage infiltration in advanced laryngeal cancer: prognostic impact and predictive model
Presenting author: Claudia Montenegro
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
130. Two-stage bilateral cordectomy versus single-stage procedure for T1b glottic cancer
Presenting author: Cinzia Mariani
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
131. Supraglottic tumor: a rare diagnosis of laryngeal tuberculosis - case report and literature review
Presenting author: Cláudia Santos
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
Presenting author: Pizarro Valderrama
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
133. Needle electrostimulation is a useful screening tool for a laryngeal and facial pacemaker
Presenting author: Gerd Fabian Volk
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
134. The role of adjuvant treatments in pT3 glottic cancer managed by transoral laser microsurgery
Presenting author: Paolo Bosio
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
135. The Development of a 3D Laryngeal Model from CT Scan – the future for Laryngology teaching and training
Presenting author: Ameneh Shirazi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
136. Function preservation by rotational crico-thyrotracheopexy after extended partial vertical laryngectomy
Presenting author: László Rovó
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Open partial laryngectomies; 22.06; 11:00 - 11:30
138. The use of acoustic voice analysis to discriminate different amyotrophic lateral sclerosis phenotypes
Presenting author: Giada Cavallaro
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
139. Laryngeal Dystonia and Vocal Tremor Response to Botulinum Toxin Injection
Presenting author: João Pinto
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
140. NBI-ML: A cloud-based system for segmentation of laryngeal pathologies in narrow-band imaging endoscopy videos for the development of deep-learning models
Presenting author: Mikolaj Buchwald
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
141. Superficial cordectomy of early glottic cancer – can we spare the ligament?
Presenting author: Daniel Ben Ner
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
142. Inside “Can You Hear My Voice?” - A life-altering surgery, a choir without voice boxes, and the human capacity for resilience.
Presenting author: Bill Brummel
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
143. Applying artificial intelligence for the assessment of speech after laryngeal carcinoma treatment
Presenting author: Kipras Pribuisis
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
144. Supraglottic laryngeal cancer: surgical treatment with a focus on elective neck dissection and minimally invasive approaches
Presenting author: Stefano Zorzi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
145. Voice quaility after excision method of sulcus vocalis treatment
Presenting author: Ksenija Samac
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
146. How cricoid resection affects the course and outcome of treatment of cricotracheal stenoses
Presenting author: Rajko Jović
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
147. Presbylarynx: Is It a Sign of the Health Status of the Elderly?
Presenting author: Sara Azevedo
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
148. When “recurrent” means more problems - an aggressive recurrent respiratory papillomatosis presentation among 5 individuals.
Presenting author: Piotr Nogal
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
149. Laryngotracheal stenosis ethiology, managment and treatment outcome in the material of the Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngological Oncology in Poznan.
Presenting author: Joanna Jackowska
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
150. Idiopathic subglottic stenosis in non-Caucasian women
Presenting author: Brianna Crawley
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
151. Cricotracheal resection and anastomosis for subglottic stenosis secondary to wegner’s granulomatosis. Case reports.
Presenting author: Claudia Esper Zamar
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
152. Functional outcome after laryngotracheal reconstruction using medial femoral condyle (MFC) free flap.
Presenting author: Agata Andruszko
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
153. Laryngeal Cleft: diagnosis and surgical approach
Presenting author: Beatriz Ramada
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
154. Extracranial carotid artery aneurysm: an unusual ENT diagnosis
Presenting author: Beatriz Ramada
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
155. Vocal Extent Measure in Laryngeal Leukoplakia: A Novel Tool for Objective Voice Assessment
Presenting author: Moonef Alotaibi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
Presenting author: Tommy Jacob
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice and Singers; 22.06; 17:00 - 17:30
157. Indications and outcomes of temporoparietal fascia free flap (TFFF) in salvage total laryngectomy: our experience.
Presenting author: Carlotta Liberale
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Complications in cancer surgery; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
158. Indications and outcomes of Transoral Laser Microsurgery (TLM) in Elderly for advanced glottic cancer
Presenting author: Sara Bassani
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
159. Dysphagia prediction using machine learning: A prospective observational cohort study.
Presenting author: Markus Gugatschka
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
160. Reinke's edema - The hidden levels
Presenting author: Markus Gugatschka
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 10:00 - 10:30
161. pT3 N0 Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Oncologic Outcomes and Prognostic Factors of Surgically Treated Patients
Presenting author: Fermi Matteo
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
162. Treatment strategy in the course of rhinophyma
Presenting author: Michał Michalik
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
163. Multiple-resistant cutaneous staphylococci - extension of diagnostics of patients with chronic sinusitis to include genetic tests
Presenting author: Michał Michalik
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
164. Endoscopic supraglottic laryngectomy type IIIb for recurrence after radiotherapy.
Presenting author: Sara Bassani
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
165. The diagnostical approach of globus sensation: Results from a single institution survey.
Presenting author: Katharina Schwab
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
166. Analysis of patient characteristics in a tertiary-care swallowing clinic
Presenting author: Roni Vass
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
167. Bronchogenic cyst of the neck- a case report
Presenting author: Dejan Radaljac
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
168. Normative vocal acoustic parameters for preschool and elementary school Egyptian children
Presenting author: Reham Ibrahim
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 10:00 - 10:30
169. Presbylarynx: How easy is it to recognize the aging signs?
Presenting author: Clara Serdoura Alves
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
170. Predictors of success in laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) in children affected by laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS)
Presenting author: Ivana Fiz
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
171. Laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) vs. crico-tracheal resection (CTR/TR): comparison of the two techniques in paediatric patients with laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS)
Presenting author: Luca Genova Gaia
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
172. Environmental Sustainability: Comparison Waste Audit Between In Office and Operating Room Laryngeal Surgery
Presenting author: Jennifer Anderson
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery and Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
173. Diagnostic Accuracy of Preoperative CTand Endoscopy Staging in Early Laryngeal Cancer
Presenting author: Siniša Stevanović
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
174. Diagnosis in Muscle Tension Dysphagia
Presenting author: Paulina Krasnodębska
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
175. The electrophysiological predictive indicators of hyperfunctional dysphonia.
Presenting author: Agata Szkiełkowska
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
176. Dysphonia in paediatric professional singers: is it just nodules?
Presenting author: Nicholas Gibbins
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transgender voice and Singers; 22.06; 17:00 - 17:30
177. Voice disorders in children presenting with dysphonia: a review of 11 years of tertiary paediatric laryngology practice
Presenting author: Nicholas Gibbins
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 11:00 - 11:30
178. Autologous Tragal Perichondrium Graft for Vocal Fold Scar and Sulcus Vocalis: Unicentric prospective study.
Presenting author: Juan Urazán Murcia
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
179. Infantile Extralaryngeal Myofibromatosis, a case report.
Presenting author: Margrethe Harsheim
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
180. Pretreatment assessment and prehabilitation for dysphagia in HNC – a model for a special consultation hour
Presenting author: Jörg Bohlender
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
181. Self-diagnosis of retropharyngeus dysfunction associated with increased anxiety and depression.
Presenting author: Zainab Bakhsh
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Dysphagia; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
182. An esophageal liposarcoma, not a classic tumor
Presenting author: Cristina Peña
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
183. Neuroendocrine tumor: A rare laryngeal neoplastic entity
Presenting author: Michael Osnes
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
184. The differences in diagnostics and staging of head and neck tumors before, during and after COVID-19 pandemic
Presenting author: Aurelija Vegiene
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
185. Voice Quality Outcomes After Transoral CO2 Laser Cordectomy
Presenting author: Luís Rodrigues
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
186. Laryngological symptoms incidence and severity in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum. International survey of 1620 individuals and implications for care.
Presenting author: Martin Birchall
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 11:00 - 11:30
Presenting author: Milan Stankovic
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 9:30 - 10:00
188. Larynx Movement during singing in Professional Singers and Non-Singers: A 3D-Analysis
Presenting author: Thirza Singer-Cornelius
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
189. Objective measurements of vocal registers in singers – a multidisciplinary study
Presenting author: Yonatan Lahav
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Singers and Presbilarynx; 22.06; 17:30 - 18:30
190. An adjunctive step in the field of videomics: the use of deep learning in the evaluation of vocal fold motility.
Presenting author: Emanuela Ulaj
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
191. Treatment and outcome of malignant minor salivary gland tumors of the larynx and trachea: a systematic review.
Presenting author: Claudia Montenegro
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
192. Laryngeal adenosquamous cell carcinoma, a single institution experience
Presenting author: Jacopo Di Domenico
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
193. ARYFIX study: inter-rater agreement of arytenoid motility evaluation in laryngeal carcinoma
Presenting author: Francesca Mularoni
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 9:30 - 10:00
Presenting author: Edoardo Serafini
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
195. Bamboo Nodes of Vocal Folds: Case description and surgical management
Presenting author: Juan Urazán Murcia
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
196. BT injection and TA myectomy combination treatment for adductor spasmodic dysphonia
Presenting author: Ryuichi Mochizuki
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
197. Evaluating the effectiveness of UV Smart D60 in reducing contamination of flexible laryngoscopes used in Otolaryngology
Presenting author: Tyler Crosby
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 15:00 - 15:30
198. Surgical treatments for vocal fold adductor paralysis
Presenting author: Takaharu Nito
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
199. Supraglottic stenosis as a rare symptom of localized IgG-related disease
Presenting author: Magda Barańska
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
200. Interdependencies between audio and video parameters based on the high-speed videoendoscopy
Presenting author: Magdalena Kowalczyk
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 11:30 - 12:00
201. Foreign body inhalation: more than 10 years of experience of an Italian pediatric tertiary care center
Presenting author: Duino Meucci
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
202. Tracheocutaneous fistula in pediatric patients after decannulation: a decade of experience of an Italian pediatric tertiary care center
Presenting author: Duino Meucci
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
203. Tracheo-bronchial dehiscence: a successful unconventional minimally invasive treatment.
Presenting author: Marilena Trozzi
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
204. Endoscopic treatment of pediatric airway stenosis by balloon dilation: the experience with different devices of an Italian tertiary care hospital
Presenting author: Marilena Trozzi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
205. Ventricular Cyst- A case report
Presenting author: Anita Paupério
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
206. Performing 3D exoscopic surgery by transoral approach: a clinical case
Presenting author: Silvia Massironi
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
207. Laryngeal spindle cell carcinoma: is a different management required?
Presenting author: Alessandra Sordi
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Oncologic miscellanea; 22.06; 9:30 - 10:00
208. Electric bioimpedance sensing for the detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a preliminary feasibility study
Presenting author: Andrea Carobbio
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
209. Recurrent laryngeal nerve intraoperative neuromonitoring indications in non-thyroid and non-parathyroid surgery
Presenting author: Aina Brunet
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
210. Value of intraoperative use of enhanced contact endoscopy for assessment of malignant potential of laryngeal lesions according to ELS classification
Presenting author: Anna Švejdová
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Narrow Band Imaging; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:00
211. A suggested addendum to the management of laryngeal fracture: delayed symptoms may require surgical exploration.
Presenting author: Nicholas Gibbins
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
212. NUT midline carcinoma of larynx : A case report and a systematic review.
Presenting author: Aarzoo Saliya
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
213. Surgical treatment of laryngomalacia using cold plasma ablation, experience of the ENT department RCCH.
Presenting author: Tatiana Sladkova
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 22.06; 12:30 - 13:00
214. Transoral CO2 laser excision of oropharyngeal stenosis with local mucosal flap reconstruction
Presenting author: C. Kwang Sung
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
215. Quantifying the outcomes of bevacizumab treatment in HPV-associated recurrentrespiratory papillomatosis: A step towards deep learning applications in endolaryngoscopy
Presenting author: Piotr Nogal
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence + Oncologic misc.; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
216. How to improve diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal leukoplakia- a proposition of a diagnostic algorithm.
Presenting author: Hanna Klimza
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
217. Tracheal wall rupture of unknown aetiology
Presenting author: Zacharias Kalentakis
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
218. Pharyngocutaneous fistula after tracheostomy
Presenting author: Zacharias Kalentakis
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
219. A rare cause of left hemilaryngeal paralysis – a manifestation of neurosarcoidosis
Presenting author: Mariana Correia
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
220. Safety and utility of transnasal humidified rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) for laser laryngeal surgery
Presenting author: C. Kwang Sung
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: New Technologies; 21.06; 15:00 - 15:30
221. Enhanced contact endoscopy plus narrow band imaging in vocal cords
Presenting author: Fátima Sánchez Fernández
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
222. Adjuvant office-based serial intralesional steroid injections in adult benign subglottic stenosis patients – preliminary results
Presenting author: Juliet Schuering
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Adult airway; 22.06; 11:30 - 12:30
223. Selective reinnervation for laryngospasm
Presenting author: James Thomas
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
224. Visual neurolaryngology
Presenting author: James Thomas
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Neurolaryngology; 23.06; 9:00 - 10:00
225. How tolerable are in-office laryngeal procedures? – Our experience in 525 cases
Presenting author: Shiying Hey
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Office-based surgery and Miscellaneous benign diseases; 23.06; 8:30 - 9:00
228. Covoice-19
Presenting author: Maria Capucho
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Artificial Intelligence + Oncologic misc.; 22.06; 8:00 - 8:30
229. The Inside-out Surgical Anatomy of the Paraglottic Space
Presenting author: Hazem Mohamed Aly Saleh
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 17:30 - 18:30
Presenting author: Ruta Pribuisiene
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
Presenting author: Albaraa Tonkal
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Children airway; 22.06; 17:00 - 18:00
232. Surgical margins in transoral laser microsurgery of glottic carcer
Presenting author: Patrizia Morbini
Form of presentation: Oral Presentation
Session and time: Transoral surgery for cancer; 21.06; 17:30 - 19:00
233. Vocal Cord Paralysis Due to Post-Viral (COVID-19) Vagal Neuropathy Assessed by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Presenting author: Maja Rogić Vidaković
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster
Presenting author: Guillermo Campos
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
Presenting author: Guillermo Campos
Form of presentation: Video Presentation
Session and time: Videos; 21.06; 18:00 - 18:30
236. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) loaded pyrogallol-carboxymethyl cellulose (gCMC) hydrogel rejuvenates vocal folds of aged rats
Presenting author: Seong Keun Kwon
Form of presentation: e-Poster Presentation
Session and time: e-Poster