Abstract Submission Instructions
- Only online submissions, submitted with a valid email address via the submission form of ELS 2023, will be considered. Abstracts submitted by post, fax or email will not be considered.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English with maximum words of 200. This includes a total number of words in the field Abstract.
- VIDEO: If you are interested in submitting the abstract for the video session, please tick the presentation form "VIDEO".
- Contact details of the presenting author must be provided as part of the abstract submission process.
- Submitting authors will be notified of the Organizing Committee’s decision by 28 February 2023. The decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- We recommend you use Google Chrome (latest version) or Safari 10 or later.
Abstract Submission Deadline
The abstract submission deadline is 15 January 2023.
All accepted abstracts submitted in the standard submission process will be published in the official electronic congress materials
Confirmation of Receipt
Submitting authors will be sent an acknowledgement via e-mail to confirm that their abstract has been received. If you do not receive the acknowledgement within three days of your submission, please contact the Congress Secretariat on the e-mail address els2023@guarant.cz.
Congress Award's programme