Sponsorship Prospectus
The ELS Congress 2023 has been granted with the COMPLIANT status within the CVS (Conference Vetting System) of MedTech Europe and the e4ethics rating system of EFPIA.
We would like to invite you to support the organisation of the ELS 2023 by contributing as a Sponsor or an Exhibitor, applying for packages and other Sponsorship Opportunities and/or space at the Exhibition Area.
If you want to become a Sponsor or an Exhibitor, please find bellow the Sponsorship Prospectus.
Please know that you can book the space for your EXHIBITION BOOTH directly online via the EXHIBITION BOOKING system.
If you are interested in sponsorship or exhibition, please contact:
Ms. Pavla Utěšilová
Industry Liaison Officer
GUARANT International spol. s r. o.
Českomoravská 19, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 725 166 822
E-mail: utesilova@guarant.cz