Congress Award's programme
Oskar Kleinsasser Award – Storz Prize
The recipient must be a recognized senior European laryngologist, preferably a member of the ELS. The President submits his proposition to the Presidential Council some months before the congress. Storz provides the ELS with the award, a statue and a cheque, valued €2500. The recipient of the award receives the statue and redirects the money to young professionals in the field of laryngology.
Lichtenberger Prize
The Presidential Council of the European Laryngological Society is offering the Lichtenberger Prize to a physician whose abstract was the best submission to the biennial Congress of the Society in basic research or clinical investigation in endoscopy, bronchology, esophagology, laryngology, and related science. Entries on research in clinical broncho-esophagology, physiology or pathology of the larynx or tracheobronchial tree are encouraged. The jury consists of the President, Past President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the ELS. In case of a draw, the President’s vote counts for two. The decision of the jury is final. The following circumstances will be taken into account:
- the first author, who must also be the presenter, should be less than 40 years old;
- competition for this prize is considered only after abstract is accepted for inclusion in the scientific program;
- the entry should be original and previously unpublished;
- contributors wishing to apply for the prize must state this at submission and state their age;
- the prize winner is expected to present the work and is responsible for the expenses for attending the meeting;
- membership of the ELS is encouraged, but not mandatory.
The Prize, €500 for ELS members, or €250 and two years of membership for non-members, will be presented during the opening ceremony or the General Assembly of the biennial Congress of the Society. Winners will be announced on the web site, and contribution of the entry in the European journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology will be encouraged by the Presidential Council.
Neurolaryngology Award by
The Presidential Council of the European Laryngological Society and MED-EL is offering the Neurolaryngology Award, to a physician whose abstract, according to the jury, was the best submission to the biennial Congress of the Society in basic research or clinical investigation in Neurolaryngology or neighboring fields with impact on Neurolaryngology.
The following circumstances will be taken into account:
- Competition for this prize is considered only after abstract is accepted for inclusion in the scientific program;
- the submission should be original and previously unpublished;
- the authors can apply to have their submission considered for the award although formal application is not necessary, however, for a contribution to be considered;
- the award winner is expected to present the work and is responsible for the expenses for attending the meeting;
- membership of the ELS is encouraged, but not mandatory;
- if the award winner is not yet ELS member, he/she receives full membership for two years with the reward. In this case the prize money will be reduced by the membership fee for full members for two years.
The jury consists of the 2 chairpersons of the Working Committee Neurolaryngology plus one member of the Working Committee Neurolaryngology, who needs to have approval of MED-EL as award sponsor. The decision of the jury is final. The prize money (€2000) will be presented during the opening ceremony or the General Assembly of the biennial Congress of the Society by the ELS president.
Winners will be announced on the website of the ELS.
Dysphonia International Award
The Dysphonia International Award will be bestowed for the best poster related to neurolaryngological disorders or dysfunctional dysphonia. The award money ($1.000) will be presented to the winner during the opening ceremony.