Final Detailed Programme
Thursday, May 17, 2018
from 7:30
Registration (Ground Floor Foyer)
Fleming (Third Floor)
Opening Ceremony
Fleming (Third Floor)
Laryngeal Cancer: Past, Present and Future
Chair: Ricard Simo (UK)
Patrick J Bradley (UK)
Fleming (Third Floor)
The Laryngeal Nerves – A Thyroid Surgery Perspective
Chair: Ricard Simo (UK)
Neil Tolley (UK)
Westminster (Fourth Floor)
Globus – where are we now?
Chair: Martin Birchall (UK)
Janet Wilson (UK)
St James (Fourth Floor)
Exercise induced breathing problems – not always asthma
Chair: John-Helge Heimdal (Norway)
Hege Clemm (Norway)
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
Laryngeal cancer
Chairs: Mario Bilič (Croatia), Sanjai Sood (UK)
Staining for Mu Opioid Receptors in Supraglottic and Glottic Carcinoma Specimens and the Relations with Intravenous Opioid Drug Abuse (ID 28)
Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk, Monica Huszar, Iris Levy, Oded Cohen, Doron Halperin, Yonatan Lahav (Israel)
Outcome of treating early glottic neoplasia with KTP (Potassium Titanyl Phosphate) Laser (ID 61)
David E Vokes, Reza Nouraei, Bren Dorman, Andrew Macann (New Zealand)
Follow up of early laryngeal cancer patients: recurrence and mortality in T1 and T2 glottic cancers (ID 83)
Alison Liu, Philippe Bowles, Meredydd Harries (UK)
NBI guided cordectomy in intermidiate- advanced (T2,T3) laryngeal cancer (ID 95)
Malgorzata Wierzbicka, Joanna Jackowska, Hanna Klimza (Poland)
The role of the Narrow-Band Imaging in diagnose of Head and Neck cancers (ID 118)
Dávid Kovács, László Tóth (Hungary)
Open Partial Horizontal Laryngectomies (OPHLs) for T3-4 glottic cancer: impact of anterior versus posterior tumor location on prognosis (ID 122)
Cesare Piazza, Francesca Martina Del Bon, Paolo Bosio, Alberto Paderno, Riccardo Morello, Davide Lancini, Nausica Montalto, Stefano Taboni, Piero Nicolai (Italy)
Endoscopic assessment of vascular changes in lesions of the vocal cords using NBI and contact endoscopy (ID 246)
Lucas Schöninger, Nikolaos Davaris, Susanne Voigt-Zimmermann, Christoph Arens (Germany)
Fleming (Third Floor)
Thyroid: RT 1 – Prevention and management of RLN injury after thyroid surgery
Chair: Ricard Simo (UK)
Jean Paul Marie (France): Options for intraoperative repair of the RLN during thyroid surgery
Tori Burnay (UK): The role of the Voice Therapist when the RLN has been injured
Iain Nixon (UK): Strategies in the management of the bilateral vocal cord palsy after thyroid surgery
Declan Costello (UK): Management of the unilateral vocal cord after thyroid surgery
Westminster (Fourth Floor)
British Laryngological Association: RT 2 – Dysphagia
Chair: Vinidh Paleri (UK)
Peter Clarke (UK): Dysphagia post-CRT
James O'Hara (UK): Cricopharyngeal dysphagia
Justin Roe (UK): Late radiation associated dysphagia and airway stenosis
Craig H Zalvan (USA): Farma vs. Pharma – A diet based approach for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
St James (Fourth Floor)
Committee on EILO: RT 11 – EILO Current controversies and management
Chair: John-Helge Heimdal (Norway)
Robert Maat (the Netherlands): EILO diagnostics, challenges in correlating diagnostic findings and patients complaints
Camilla Slot Mehlum (Denmark): An interdisciplinary approach to EILO: collaboration or conflict
Hege Clemm (Norway): Treatment challenges
Zoe Fretheim Kelly (Norway): Tolerability of pressure measurement over the larynx during exercise
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
IR2: Top Tips in Laryngology
Gregory Postma (USA)
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
IR11: Top tip in Phonosurgery
Guillermo Campos (Colombia): Finesse in Phonosurgery. From precise in diagnosis to impeccable surgical treatment
Fleming (Third Floor)
Transoral surgical approaches for the treatment of Laryngeal Cancer
Chair: Paul Pracy (UK)
Vinidh Paleri (UK)
Westminster (Fourth Floor)
Laryngomalacia: Contemporary thoughts and management
Chair: Kate Heathcote (UK)
Dana Mara Thompson (USA)
St James (Fourth Floor)
Was Manuel Garcia's discovery pivotal in the development of laryngology?
Chair: Lise Crevier-Buchman (France)
Neil Weir (UK)
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
IR9: Endoscopic laryngeal imaging
Christoph Arens (Germany): Endoscopic Imaging of the Vocal Folds
Fleming (Third Floor)
British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists and ENT UK Head and Neck Society: RT 5 – Management of T3 – The controversy continues
Chair: Paul Pracy (UK)
Cesare Piazza (Italy): Different flavors of laryngeal T3: when one does not fit all...
Malgorzata Wierzbicka (Poland): The feasibility of TLM in T3 glottic cancer. When is it appropriate to move from TLM to open partial laryngectomy?
Teresa Guerrero (UK): Outcomes of primary ChemoRadiation in T3 Laryngeal cancer
Joanne Wheeler (UK): Rehabilitation in open partial laryngectomy
Westminster (Fourth Floor)
British Laryngological Association: RT 3 – Paediatric
Chair: Kate Heathcote (UK)
Co-chair: Michelle Wyatt (UK)
Kate Heathcote (UK): Unilateral non-selective laryngeal reinnervation in children
Martin Birchall (UK): The Vocalist Trial: Thyroplasty or Reinnervation in UVFP?
Jean Paul Marie (France): Rouen experience in paediatric larynx reinnervation. New paradigm?
Hasnaa Ismail Koch (UK): The Wessex Pathway for the management of Paediatric VF Palsy
St James (Fourth Floor)
Committee on Phoniatrics: RT 10 – Voice Assessment for Dysphonia – What we have learned
The case of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
Chair: Lise Crevier-Buchman (France)
Co-chair: Marc Remacle (Luxembourg)
Lise Crevier-Buchman (France): Introduction to Minimal Voice Assessment
Marc Remacle (Luxembourg): Usefulness of a minimal vocal assessment as a tool for clinical studies, comparability of outcomes and medico-legal recommendations
Peak Woo (USA): Laryngeal examination in the assessment and therapeutic decision making for unilateral vocal fold paralysis
Gauthier Desuter (Belgium): Minimal voice outcome indicators after UVFP: surgical management
Berit Schneider-Stickler (Austria): Most relevant acoustical data in the clinical voice assessment and the follow-up for UVFP
Antoine Giovanni (France): Aerodynamic and Acoustic Measurements in UVFP. Our Data Base
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
Benign lesions of the larynx, Swallowing disorders, Pediatric laryngology
Chairs: Elfy Chevretton (UK), Guido van den Broek (the Netherlands)
Mucosal Bridges: A third variant proposed with a 9-year retrospective audit of their incidence (ID 24)
Nupur Nerurkar, Arundhatee Sapre, Rahul Gosavi (India)
Narrow-band imaging (NBI) for improving the assessment of vocal fold leukoplakia and overcoming the umbrella effect (ID 96)
Hanna Klimza, Joanna Jackowska, Maciej Tokarski, Krzysztof Piersiala, Malgorzata Wierzbicka (Poland)
A Revision of the Clinical Understanding of Sulcus Vocalis Based on Histology and Results of Simple Excision (ID 108)
Lucian Sulica, Theresa Scognamiglio, Katerina Andreadis (USA)
Management of laryngeal fracture: a 10 year experience (ID 178)
Tomas Mendes Carvalho, Paulo Pereira, Ana Rita Santos, Eduardo Ferreira (Portugal)
Office-based CO2 laser surgery for laryngeal pathology (ID 209)
Guido van den Broek, Jimmie Honings, Jasmijn Herruer, David Wellenstein (the Netherlands)
Unsuspected vocal fold cover minor structural alterations detected as an intraoperative finding in phonomicrosurgery (ID 252)
Luis Jorge Morales-Rubio, Tatiana Garcia-Rey, Jean Pierre Certain-Yepes, Néstor Ricardo González-Marín (Colombia)
Safety and Efficacy of Modified Transoral Resection of Diverticula for Zenker’s Diverticulum (ID 102)
C. Kwang Sung (USA), Attapon Junlapan (Thailand), Sara Abu-Ghanem (USA), Edward J Damrose (USA)
Impact of a device of customizable and flexible transportable seated positioning on swallowing disorders (DATP-DEG) (ID 264)
Virginie Woisard, Mireille Costes (France)
Endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis in newborns – long-lasting results (ID 157)
Balázs Sztanó, Adam Bach, Ilona Szegesdi, Laszlo Rovo (Hungary)
Abbey (Fourth Floor)
IR14: Oncology
Chair: Jean Pierre Jeannon (UK)
Co-chair: Enyi Ofo (UK)
Isabel Vilaseca (Spain): TOLS
Mario Fernandez (Spain): TOUSS
Jorge Basterra (Spain): Microelectrodes and radiofrequency in laryngeal surgery
George Lawson (Belgium): TORS
Fleming (Third Floor)
Neurolaryngology Prize
Chairs: Orlando Guntinas-Lichius (Germany), Jean Paul Marie (France)
Sonographically navigated laryngeal electromyography (ID 12)
Kathleen Klinge, Andreas Mueller (Germany)
Common practices in botulinum toxin injection for the treatment of spasmodic dysphonia (ID 26)
Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk (Israel), David E Rosow (USA), Christian X Lava (USA), Edie R Hapner (USA), Michael M Johns (USA)
Endoscopic Thyroarytenoid Myoneurectomy in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia (ID 33)
Sachin Gandhi, Rohan Bidaye (India)
Time Course of Recovery of Vocal Fold Paralysis (ID 158)
Lucian Sulica, Solomon Husain, Babak Sadoughi (USA)
Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of central neural system control of voice, with emphasis on phonation in women with muscle tension dysphonia (ID 201)
Maryna Kryshtopava (Belarus), Kristiane Van Lierde (Belgium), Iris Meerschman (Belgium), Evelien D’Haeseleer (Belgium), Sofie Claeys (Belgium)
Voice imaging: approaches and protocols (ID 210)
Maryna Kryshtopava (Belarus), Kristiane Van Lierde Van Lierde (Belgium), Sofie Claeys (Belgium), Nikalay Byalyauski (Belarus)
Prospective, multicenter study of type 2 thyroplasty using titanium bridges for adductor spasmodic dysphonia-pivotal study (ID 211)
Tetsuji Sanuki, Nobuhiko Oridate, Ichiro Tateya, Takaharu Nito, Hiromitsu Hatakeyama, Kenji Mizoguchi (Japan)
Agreement between the findings in Barium swallow Pharyngoesophagography and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, in patients with dysphagia (ID 213)
Luis H Jimenez, Angela M Ronderos, Carolina Campuzano, Jose L Larrotta (Colombia)
Arytenoid abduction for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (ID 256)
Isabel Garcia-Lopez, Ricardo Bernaldez-Millan (Spain)
Prospective assessment of voice outcomes after thyroid surgery using intra-operative nerve monitoring (ID 241)
Daniel Novakovic, Stan Sidhu, Anton Engelsman, Santha Warhurst, Sheila Fraser (Australia)
Endoscopic Neuromyectomy of Thyroarytenoid Muscle for Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia – A Study on Long-Term Outcome on Voice Quality (ID 68)
Domingos H Tsuji, Rosiane Yamasaki, Rui Imamura, Luiz U Sennes (Brazil)
Westminster (Fourth Floor)
David Howard Prize (BLA Prize)
Chairs: Jonathan Fishman (UK), John Rubin (UK)
Indications of Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE) in microdirect laryngoscopy (ID 29)
Philippe E Schultz, Laura Maupeu, Maryse Hengen, Sait Ciftci, Pierre Diemunsch (France)
Endoscopic silastic medialization for unilateral vocal fold paralysis (ID 63)
Ihab Atallah (France), Christian Righini (France), Paul F Castellanos (USA)
Oesophageal causes of dysphagia localised only to the pharynx: implications for the suspected head and neck cancer pathway (ID 142)
Reza Nouraei, Iain Murray, Kate Heathcote, Harry Dalton (UK)
The Image-Enhanced Contact Endoscopy for the evaluation of neoangiogenesis of premalignant and malignant lesions of the larynx and hypopharynx (ID 150)
Filippo Carta (Italy), Yuliya Rochshektayeva (Russian Federation), Cinzia Mariani (Italy), Roberto Puxeddu (Italy), Valeria Marrosu (Italy)
Decellularization of Trachea with Combined Techniques for Tissue-Engineered Trachea Transplantation (ID 161)
Aysegul Batioglu-Karaaltin, Ercument Ovali, Mehmet Veli Karaaltin, Haydar Murat Yener, Fatma Eyuboglu, Yetkin Zeki Yilmaz, Erol Rustu Bozkurt, Necdet Demir, Esma Konuk, Ergun Sureyya Bozdag, Harun Cansiz (Turkey)
Osteopathic medicine Globus: Practical approach to examination and treatment (ID 196)
Jacob Lieberman (UK), Prof Markus Hess (Germany)
Immediate intraoperative repair of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroid surgery (ID 217)
Aleix Rovira, Máire Ring, William Townley, Ricard Simo (UK)
Development of A Surgical Procedure for UVFP Patients Using an Adjustable Implant (ID 221)
Guan-Min Ho (Taiwan), Mark Chang (Taiwan), Chieh-Han John Tzou (Austria), Stefan Meng (Austria), Lukas Reissig (Austria), Wolfgang J Weninger (Austria)
The Role of Oral Steroids in the Treatment of Phonotraumatic Vocal Fold Lesions (ID 234)
Milan Amin (USA)
Laryngeal Distribution of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis in a Previously Untreated Cohort (ID 237)
Gregory Dion, Milan Amin (USA)
To Sing or Not to Sing! When Is It Safe to perform and How Long Should Voice Rest Be? (ID 267)
Lance Maron (South Africa)
St James (Fourth Floor)
Lichtenberger Prize
Chairs: Leena-Maija Aaltonen (Finland), Gauthier R Desuter (Belgium)
The Auckland Airway Assessment (AAA) Protocol: developing cardiopulmonary exercise testing for laryngotracheal stenosis and vocal palsy (ID 1)
Reza Nouraei (UK), Bren Dorman (New Zealand), Andrew Veale (New Zealand), Ron Blaza (New Zealand), David Vokes (New Zealand)
Implementation of the European laryngological society classification for benign laryngotracheal stenoses: A multicentric study (ID 87)
Ivana Fiz (Germany), Philippe Monnier (Switzerland), Jan Constantin Koelmel (Germany), Diana Di Dio (Germany), Michele Torre (Italy), Francesco Fiz (Germany), Giorgio Peretti (Italy), Christian Sittel (Germany), Cesare Piazza (Italy)
The ability of the eating assessment tool-10 to predict laryngeal penetration in patients with anatomical and neuromuscular disorders (ID 138)
António N Fernandes, Pedro C Rodrigues, Gabriela Torrejano, Elizabeth Moscoso, Paulo Martins, Leonel Luís (Portugal)
Method of high-frequency ventilation in combination with cold-plasma resection in surgical laryngomalacia of treatment (ID 148)
Pavel Pryanikov, Nicolay Grachev, Liliya Budeykina, Oksana Timofeeva, Vladislav Shukin, Alexey Nasedkin (Russian Federation)
Volumetric Analysis of Vocal Fold Atrophy Via Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ID 163)
David E. Rosow, Sandra Saint-Victor, Eric R. Barbarite (USA)
Design of a wearable device for voice monitoring (ID 232)
Marcos Llorente, Secundino Fenández (Spain)
Systemic Safety of Serial Intralesional Steroid Injection for Subglottic Stenosis (ID 245)
Jonathan P Woliansky, Paul M Paddle, Debra Phyland (Australia)
Functional results of CO2 LASER glottic-widening procedures in bilateral laryngeal paralysis (ID 261)
Virginia Fancello, Valeria Marrosu, Marina Di Pino, Stefano Del Giacco, Filippo Carta, Roberto Puxeddu (Italy)
Non-selective reinnervation: advantages in pediatric unilateral vocal cord palsy (ID 190)
Virginia Fancello, Jessica Jessica, Andrea Burgess, Hasnaa Ismail-Koch, Kate Heathcote (UK)
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis and voice therapy – does age matter? (ID 174)
Mariline Santos, Pedro Santos, Susana Vaz Freitas, Isabel Carvalho, Miguel Bebiano Coutinho, Cecília Almeida Sousa (Portugal)
Third Floor Exhibition Area
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